I love to read. I have for as long as I can remember. I have distinctly fond memories of the library and the book sales from as far back as elementary school. I would lose myself in books, and I’ve always been someone who returns to her favorite books again and again — I don’t feel like just because “I’ve read that” that I can’t read it again. Reading is one of my favorite things to do when I’m not doing anything — on vacation, by the pool, on a trip, late at night.
Posts Tagged ‘books’
(Re)discovering reading
Friday, February 24th, 2012Books for Benjamin
Sunday, February 12th, 2012Before Liam was born, we bought and borrowed a number of books about getting a new sibling, and they really seemed to help Benjamin understand what was going on. So, last year, as we started to prepare for our astonishingly adventurous move abroad, I wanted to get a book to help with that change, but I couldn’t find anything that was really appropriate. So I wrote one for him. It was short and simple, and it explained all of the changes he would be experiencing over the coming months. I explained about how our things would get packed, the movers would come, we’d say goodbye to our house, we’d stay at Grandma’s for a while and then we’d go to the airport. I explained about how Bailey would ride in a crate (but would still be on our airplane, even though we couldn’t see him), how he’d get to watch tv, eat and sleep on the plane. I explained about finding a new house here, having our things delivered (luckily I didn’t specify a time frame) and how we’d make friends, travel and have visitors while we were here. He loved his book then, and he still loves it now.