Archive for July, 2008

To My Son

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

There is no way I could have known what it would be like to bring you into the world, and into my life.  In just one moment, everything about me changed.  My priorities shifted.  You became the center of my universe.

I look at you and I can’t believe the love that I feel for you.  I love you completely, and without any conditions or requirements.  I will love you every day for the rest of my life.  You don’t have to do anything, be any kind of particular person, or accomplish anything for me to love you or to be proud of you.  Unconditional love is something that I now understand, because I have it for you.  You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.  I love you more than I knew I could love (and I’m pretty good at loving!).  You are perfect, exactly as you are.


Impending Induction

Friday, July 11th, 2008

Well, I have one week left.  Or less.  My labor will be induced next Friday, July 18, if baby hasn’t come before then.

Because of the gestational diabetes, I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to go beyond my due date.  But my due date is July 23.  They couldn’t schedule me anytime the week of July 21, so July 18 it is!  The absolute latest this baby could come is July 19 (if they induce the labor on the 18th, but it takes until the 19th for the baby to be born.  That’s it.  Wow!
