Got up at 6:22 AM. I’d actually been awake since about 6 – I didn’t sleep well because it’s been unseasonably warm (70 degrees yesterday – not normal for the DC area in January) and I kept waking up sweating, but I never really woke up enough to actually ditch the down comforter in favor of just the sheet. This is what happens when you go to bed at 2:30 in the morning. Oh well. Hopefully getting up early today will help me get to sleep at a sensible hour tonight.
I weighed in at 189.5 pounds, which is great! That brings my weight loss total to 4 pounds in two days. Some of that is just the diet clearing out the food in my digestive tract, but I hadn’t been eating so heavily before that there was 4 pounds worth to clear out, so I’m pretty sure some of that is fat loss. I don’t, of course, expect this rate to continue – you always lose a few pounds quickly when you first gain control of your eating.
Breakfast was a cup of Silk Soy Milk plus Omega-3(2/1/1). I note the full name because it’s an extra fat block over the regular Vanilla-flavored Silk.
Then I went performed a brutal CrossFit workout:
As many round as possible in 20 minutes:
10 Ball Sprawls
5 pull-ups
50ft Overhead dumbell lunges
I completed 6 rounds.
Before I left for work I ate an apple(0/2/0) and a piece of string cheese (1/0/1) and some turkey (0/0/1).
Total of 3/3/3 before work.
I ate a bacon hummus veggie from The Perfect Pita for lunch (8/7/7).
I made myself a chicken and steak hummus veggie at home (7/7/7).
Total for the day 18 blocks of fat, 17 blocks of carbs, and 17 blocks of protein. A little high, but 17 blocks is actually the recommended amount Did better with eating balanced meals throughout the day and the fact that I actually had all the ingredients to make a real chicken and steak hummus veggie:
- grilled steak
- grilled chicken
- sliced cucumber
- sliced tomato
- romaine lettuce
- black bean and cilantro hummus from The Perfect Pita
- light Swiss cheese
- a pita (not whole wheat, unfortunately) from The Perfect Pita
- sliced red bell pepper
A George Foreman grill toasts it excellently and the result is fantastic. It would have been even better if I’d taken the time yesterday to marinate the chicken and steak before grilling them.